Till Wittwer is an artist, writer and researcher. He creates research-based narratives exploring the ways in which reality is constructed. These narratives come in the form of essays, publications, lectures, performances, and—occasionally—games. As an extension of his artistic work, he is interested in forms of education and the subjects they create.
The recent — and seemingly brief — COVID-19-induced crisis in the financial markets has brought along a new and genuinely disruptive creed of speculator: The so-called Robinhood-trader. The term subsumes individual investors organized in online communities and channeled via a gamified trading app who are strongly reacting to and creating their own momentum narratives in the markets. By violently inserting their own fictions and succeeding, they have exposed the markets as the fictions they really are and by that are making the financial markets a picture book example of what a hyperstition is. Their call is the Yolo-Call and it is powerful enough to make zombies rise from their graves.
Robinhooding Central Bank Socialism is a lecture on shifted power relations in the financial markets, crises of narrative and speculation as storytelling as fabrication of reality. +
Robinhooding Central Bank Socialism is a lecture on shifted power relations in the financial markets, crises of narrative and speculation as storytelling as fabrication of reality. +
The talk is part of the digital lecture series Potentials of Speculation III